Intelligent ERP for improving and managing business operations
Intelligent ERP for improving and managing business operations
Intelligent ERP for improving and managing business operations
بعض الشركات الّتي تثق ب ECS
حان الوقت لتسريع التحول
SAP S / 4HANA هو نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات ذكي ، يمكّن الشركات من تقديم تجربة العملاء النهائية ، من خلال قوة المؤسسة الذكية.
القدرات الخاصة بالصناعة وأفضل الممارسات
تمتد القدرات إلى خطوط الأعمال ، من التمويل وسلسلة التوريد والتصنيع إلى المبيعات والتوزيع والمزيد.
تجربة مستخدم أفضل
تم تصميم S / 4 HANA مع SAP Fiori لتوفير أفضل تجربة للمستخدم
تحليلات مضمنة في الوقت الحقيقي
احصل على تقارير سريعة بمعدل 100 مرة لاتخاذ قرارات قوية ومستجيبة.
In-memory Technology
يوفر الحل قيمة تجارية كبيرة من خلال زيادة السرعة في الأداء وخفة الحركة في المعالجة التي تدعمها HANA
خيارات النشر المختلفة
يمكن نشر الحل على المنصة السحابية والمنصة المختلطة
الحل يوفر تجربة مستخدم مبسّطة ومتجاوبة تعمل على أي جهاز.
ورش عمل S / 4HANA مقدمة من خبراء ECS
سنعرض لك كل إمكاناتك في ورش عمل SAP S/4HANA الإعدادية.
SAP S / 4HANA "ورشة عمل تمهيدية"
لتبدأ: SAP S / 4HANA Prep Workshop “Smart”. ضع التسويق جانبًا من أجل التغيير - سيقدم لك خبراء SAP S / 4HANA المستقلون المشورة بشأن الجيل الجديد من Business Suite.
SAP S / 4HANA "ورشة عمل متعمقة"
ما الذي سيتغير على وجه الخصوص لعمليات عملك؟ ما هو المهم حقًا؟ سيعرض لك خبراء SAP S / 4HANA هذا في وحدات ورشة عمل "Deep Dive" - المصممة خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجاتك.
تحويل SAP S/4HANA
تستخدم ECS SAP Activate لتسريع نشر SAP خلال كل مرحلة من مراحل الرحلة.
Discover the solution, understand the benefits and develop strategies and roadmap for the journey
- start the project
- Finalize plan
- Assign project team
- Perform a fit/gap analysis
- Define Target Architecture
- Build the system and test
- Track Milestone
- Setup Production environment
- Conduct Cut-over activities and Go-Live
- Run the new system and
- optimize with ECS
Enterprise Support
اطلع على قصص النجاح من مشاريع تنفيذ SAP الخاصة بنا
What are the different implementation scenarios available for S/4HANA?There are three different types of implementation scenarios available for S/4HANA. They are System Conversion – The process of converting an existing ECC system into a S/4HANA system is called System Conversion. This procedure facilitates database migration from any classical DB to SAP HANA, migrates ERP data model into S/4HANA data model, replaces old ECC application code with S/4HANA application code, and does not force you to convert SAP GUI transactions into FIORI apps right away. New Implementation – Implement the S/4HANA system from scratch. This procedure allows businesses to reengineer their business processes to simplify them and also make use of new functionalities available as part of S/4HANA. It facilitates the rapid adoption of new innovations in a standardized manner. Selective Data Transition – Using this procedure, businesses can consolidate multiple ECC systems into one S/4HANA system. It allows them to perform a selective data migration based on legal entities, such as clients or company codes.
Can S/4HANA run on any database like Oracle or MS SQL Server?No. S/4HANA runs only on SAP HANA database.
Can you use SAP GUI to access an S/4HANA system?Yes. Technically, you can use SAP GUI to access a S/4HANA system. But if you would like to use S/4HANA’s advanced functionalities like embedded analytics and Robotic Process Automation, you must use FIORI to access S/4HANA. FIORI also improves user experience by offerings functionalities such as enterprise search, notifications, default values, personalization and user assistance which does not exist in SAP GUI.
What is the average implementation time for an S/4HANA project?Implementation times varies on a customer by customer basis as it depends on customer requirements and their digital transformation goals. But according to SAP, on average, S/4HANA system conversion projects take 8 months to implement whereas new implementations take about 11 months.
What are the key differences between a S/4HANA on-premise and a S/4HANA public cloud system?
How much does SAP Business ByDesign cost?SAP Business ByDesign is offered on a subscription basis, priced per user per month for the specific functionalities being used. Current Pricing is as follows: – USD 1,647 Base Fee per month (includes 5 Enterprise Users) – From USD 146 per user/month for Enterprise Users – from USD 16 per user/ month for Self-service users – USD 87 per user/month for Team users SAP Business byDesign is offered as a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution, and the prices includes licenses and cloud hosting. The cost of implementation and support depends on various factors (such as number of users to be supported, complexity of business requirements, interfaces, etc.). Please GET IN TOUCH TO FIND OUT
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